# MMGen address file
# This file is editable.
# Everything following a hash symbol '#' is a comment and ignored by MMGen.
# A text label of 40 characters or less may be added to the right of each
# address, and it will be appended to the tracking wallet label upon import.
# The label may contain any printable ASCII symbol.
# Address data checksum for 98831F3A[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011]: 424E 4326 CFFE 5F51
# Record this value to a secure location.
  1     mi86aiiSXZQKPrig8Ti66rhXSoAt6seSSi
  31    mtEHp3EHtEqjWimJJWEar1awfbvM22MDAn
  32    mtomhyGqur3D6fAtMC6ncLKDbajeL51Bes
  33    mhP9MPEmtfeYM2YmnAmEmUTE3PsyM3Mg2Z
  500   n3bcmbEWUgHzdQMWWKMEwevFAPoNET2VnC
  501   mvQnh7hTKb4hyZGTXyAa6tRaWM8NjgoStD
  1010  n42xC334xAfsfr5zjqFmRpWSo7uNqt8ig7
  1011  myXUuNxqdJw8X1vpRDDXU8c7ahM1JiHrnd